Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sentence Composing #2

1. Model: Dumpster diving is outdoor work, often surprisingly pleasant.
--Lars Eighner, "On Dumpster Diving"

a.sometimes quite costly
b. is recreational activity
c. mall strolling

1- Mall strolling is recreational activity, sometimes quite costly.

2. Model: Near the car, idling in front of the mortuary, was a huge Oldsmobile.
--Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

a. was a skittering gecko
b. behind the pool
c. zigzagging in back of the cabana

2- Behind the pool, zigzagging in back of the cabana, was a skittering gecko.

3. Model: Above the field and pastures, the mountains were just becoming visible as the morning fog burned away.
--Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain

a. were just becoming interested
b. when the fire alarm sounded
c. after the cartoons and previews
d. the kids

3- The kids were just becoming interested, when the fire alarm sounded after the cartoons and previews.

4. Model: In the shallows, the dark, water-soaked sticks and twigs, smooth and old, were undulating the clusters on the bottom against the clean ribbed sand.
--E.B. White, "Once More to the Lake"

a. sweet and tasty
b. were beckoning to children
c. in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts
d. on that aisle
e. the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers

4- On that aisle, the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers, sweet and tasty, were beckoning to the children in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts.

Anglo-Saxon/Old English Blog

Anglo-Saxon/Old English Blog

After examining background information about the Anglo-Saxon period and Old English, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting Anglo-Saxon culture and/or Old English language with the culture you live in today. Are they completely alien of each other or are there interesting similarities?

I think that Old English culture was almost completely different than English is today. There are a few exceptions though. Old English culture was i think more sophisticated because they challenged their knowledge more than we do. We simplify as much as we can to make our culture easier. I think the Old English language is very interesting, as opposed to our language which can be interesting but usually isn't. The video i watched was about farming.. they had to plow the fields with cows and walk behind the wooden plow. Although it may look simple, it wasn't. People would work from dawn til dusk and the labor could cause back, feet, and arm problems or pain.